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Chat Tab

Chat Settings (Autocorrect)

The autocorrect feature is available in all types of OCP miniApps® and allows you to specify a custom autocorrect model that will be used for correcting spelling mistakes in the chat.

To be able to use autocorrect in your web-chat, please contact our Support by any convenient means described in the Omilia Care (Support Center) section.

Rich Content

Below there are explanations about how to effectively utilize rich content (data models). This functionality is only available in Intent miniApps. Additionally, Numeric miniApps have a simplified version of rich content without NLU entities and intents.

Rich content can be in the form of buttons in the chat or metadata.

To select which type of rich content you want to create, click the +Add button and select the one you want from the list.

  • Buttons

  • Meta Data

  • List

You can add more than one data models to a miniApp, however maximum two data models can be added to each prompt.

Click the +Add link to rich content button to add rich content to any of the following actions:

  • Initial Prompt (Prompts, Conditional rephrase)

  • Reask Prompts

  • Manage Intents (Intent Disambiguations)

  • Announcements Meta Data Model

Buttons Data Model

The buttons data model will create a button selection in the chat that will direct the caller to specific choices. These can be popular chat inquiries.

Chat with selection buttons

To add selection buttons to the chat, follow the steps:

1. Add the following details to a buttons data model:

  • Friendly name. This is how you can label your data model and later refer to it in any section that the +Add link to rich content button can be found (0 link is first, 1 link is second).

    You can add rich content to any of the following actions:

    • Welcome Prompts (Prompts, Conditional rephrase)

    • Reask Prompts

    • Manage Intents (Intent Disambiguations)

    • Announcements

  • Title. The text header that will be seen by the user on top of the button list.

2. Add the following details to the selected button:

  • Label. The actual text that will show on the button.

  • Entities. NLU entities, which will help you specify metadata for each button and get a more precise result based on what the user selects. This can either be a selected intent from the list of intents available in the miniApp or a selected entity. Select any entities from the list and click the +Add entity button to add them.

    • For Intent select one from the list.

    • Fore Entities add a text value.

You can add as many buttons and data models as you want, but you may only use two data models for the same prompt.

Examples of additional buttons are shown below.

Meta Data Data Model

By embedding the chat widget API key to a website, metadata is created and can pass data (key-value pairs) from the chat widget to the website that is hosting the chat widget as a JS event.

The host website can then get the metadata in a JS function and use them any way they see fit, for example, redirect, change DOM, and so on.

To add metadata from the chat, follow the steps:

  1. In the ChatRich Content tab click the +Add button on the data models line and select Meta Data.

  2. Add the following information in the new Data Model and save changes.

    • Friendly Name: This is how you can label your data model and later refer to it in any section where the +Add link to rich content button can be found.

    • Key: Set additional key values by clicking the + sign

    • Value: The value of the key. This value can be dynamic.

  3. Add the corresponding rich content to any of the actions that can receive rich content:

    • Welcome Prompts (Prompts, Conditional rephrase)

    • Reask Prompts

    • Manage Intents (Intent Disambiguations)

    • Announcements

Adding MetaData at any stage of the chat sends the configured data as an event in the website’s JavaScript. This data can be exploited in any way found useful.

For more information on how to use metadata on the client side read Chat widget integration guide.

List Data Model

The List data model allows creating a list of boxes that can contain pictures, information, and clickable links that can redirect to your site or any external URL.

To add link data to a chat, follow the steps:

  1. Click the +Add button on the data models line and select List:

  2. Fill in the details of the data model. The Title and Subtitle will appear in the Chat in the corresponding box.

  3. Click the +Add button on the options line and fill in the details of that option. Every data model can have several options. An option can be a product or a product category you offer. For example, if the data model concerns bank loans the options could be the loan types.
    The info will be added to the corresponding box in the chat.

  4. Click the +Add button on the links line to add a URL link to the chat in the box of Option 1. The link will appear in the corresponding chat with the text in the Label field. You can add several links if required by repeating the process.

  5. Click the +Add Semantics button to add an entity from the list of entities or add a custom one. Fill in a semantic for that entity to complete this step.

  6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 to create another option for the data model.

The data model must be selected in the Prompts tab in order to be applicable.

Chat Widget

In the Chat Widget tab, you can configure how the chat window itself will look. Configure any of the following:

  • Title: The title of the chat

  • Color: The color of the font

  • Logo: The picture appearing on the top of the chat

  • Bubble: The picture appearing as a chat icon

  • Locale: The phoneme for the chat

With the configurations described in this article, the resulting widget will look as follows:

Embed Chat widget to a website

To embed the Chat widget to your website:

  1. Click the enable <<Locale>>  button.

2. Copy the Javascript code with the Copy button and paste it to your website’s HTML code. Otherwise copy only the API key from the JS code.

Test Webchat

Click the Try webchat! button to test the webchat.

Edit the Webchat Transfer module configuration

Click the edit button to open the Webchat configuration.

  1. Click the Transfer module toggle button to on to open the configuration options. The configuration options are different depending on the Type selection.

  2. Select the Transfer module Type (CFront, InContact, or Talkdesk)

    1. If InContact is selected the following options are available:

      • Poc: NICE point of contact, NICE queue ID.

      • Region: The region your application is based

      • Access key id: NICE access key ID

      • Access Key secret: NICE access secret key. This should be encrypted the same way the api_secret in the tenants table is encrypted.

      • Agent idle timeout: The maximum amount of time (in minutes) without receiving any new agent message. After that the conversation gets terminated. Zero value means no timeout.

      • No agent available message: Displayed to the user when we fail to start a transfer to NICE for any reason

      • Agent session timeout message: Displayed to the user when the agent has not responded after the set Agent idle timeout period has passed

      • User has left message: Displayed to the agent when the user has left the conversation

    2. If CFront option is selected the following options are available:

      • System id: CFront API key, it allows access to the CFront API

      • CFront service id: CFront queue id

      • Base url: CFront API URL

      • Generic error message: Message when an unexpected error has occurred

      • No agent available message: Displayed to the user when there is no available agent at that time

      • Agent session timeout message: Displayed to the user when the agent has not responded after a period has passed

      • User has left message: Displayed to the agent when the user has left the conversation

      • Agent has left message: Displayed to the user when the agent has left the conversation

      • Add Attachment: Required if the endpoint provided uses base 64 for authentication. The end-user can attach there the following information:

        • endpoint: The endpoint of the service

        • username: The username

        • password: the base 64 password

        • created by: This field is optional


    3. If Talkdesk option is selected the following options are available:

      • Account name: Talkdesk account name

      • Auth client id: Talskdesk authentication client ID

      • Region: Account and API region. Accepted values - EU, CA, US

      • Auth client secret: Talkdesk Authentication Client Secret. Encrypted with encryption key using AES256

      • Touchpoint id: Talkdesk touchpoint ID

For more information on how to embed a chat widget in your website read the Chat widget integration guide.

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