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Stopping / Re-starting an Autocorrect Application

Stopping an Autocorrect Application

To stop an Autocorrect Application, follow the steps described below:

You can stop Testing Autocorrect Applications only. Production Autocorrect Applications cannot be stopped.

  1. Navigate to NLU - Autocorrect Applications and find the application you want to stop.

  2. Click the Options Menu icon → Stop.

  1. The Autocorrect Application is stopped, its status is changed to STOPPED.


Re-starting an Autocorrect Application

To restart a previously stopped Autocorrect Application, follow the steps described below:

  1. Navigate to NLU - Autocorrect Applications and find the application you want to re-start.

  2. Click the Options Menu icon → Start.

  1. The Autocorrect Application is re-started, its status is changed to RUNNING.

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