OCP miniApps® integration with Genesys
Getting started with OCP miniApps®
Go to Genesys App Foundry at appfoundry.genesys.com and find OCP miniApps®.

2. Click Free Trial to proceed with the integration and installation.

3. Follow the instructions after.

4. For the Purchase button to become active, accept the terms and conditions by checking the box.

5. After clicking the link to install OCP miniApps®, you will be taken to the Genesys integration page. The only thing you need to do there is to toggle the Inactive switch to make it Active, and then click Save.

6. After this, select Apps → OCP miniApps, as shown below, which will take you to the Omilia installation Wizard.

In short, the installation process will result in the following:
an account on OCP miniApps® (the credentials for it will be in your mailbox after the setup is complete)
a miniApp of your chosen domain that was automatically created for you
a Genesys architect flow that is calling the miniApp

7. On the Install tab (below) you need to insert:
the pool number you want to use for your miniApp. To find your number, you can start typing any part of it, it will only take a few seconds to load it up
the site
the miniApp domain

Install tab
8. The installation process takes about a minute to complete. A pop-up confirms a successful installation.

9. After that, you will be taken to a landing page that contains all the useful information on how you can get started with OCP miniApps®.

10. Toggle the Off Queue switch to On Queue in the top right corner, and your agents can start taking calls from customers!

11. To additionally configure your miniApps, you can log into https://ocp.ai/, navigate to the miniApps tab, and start the process of set up. The email with your credentials to log in to OCP miniApps® should already be in your inbox.

miniApp Session Responses
When a dialog in OCP ends, it will post back the miniApp results to Genesys. The specification of the miniAppResult output can be found in the miniAppResult section.
Omilia & Genesys Cloud Architecture
The below figure shows the way Genesys Cloud and OCP Conversational Voice® are integrated to cover the customer requirements.