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Critical deployment

What is a critical deployment?

You can mark your deployed model as critical to allocate specific resources, ensuring it is always operational. Models marked as critical are deployed on dedicated high-performance nodes with enhanced security and minimal downtime during updates. This guarantees optimal availability and performance.

A special permission is required for this feature. Contact Omilia Care for details.

Marking a model as critical

To mark a deployed model as critical, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to NLU → Deployments and choose a deployed model you want to mark as critical.

  2. Click the Context menu button and select Mark as Critical.

  1. The model is labelled as Business critical.


Unmarking a model as critical

To unmark a critical deployment, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to NLU → Deployments and choose a deployment marked as critical.

  2. Click the Context menu button and select Unmark as Critical.

  1. The model is unmarked.

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