Insights Tab
The Insights tab opens OCP® Monitor and OCP® Reporting tools.
OCP® Monitor
You can access OCP® Monitor by selecting Insights → Monitor.
OCP® Monitor allows you to:
Select to view live or past dialogs.
Apply several search criteria to filter the dialogs you wish to review.
Select dialogs from the list based on basic dialog information.
Review each dialog individually and copy dialog info.
Tag a dialog utterance.
To learn more about OCP® Monitor and explore its full functionality, refer to the OCP® Monitor User Guide.
OCP Reporting
You can access OCP® Monitor by selecting Insights → Reporting.
OCP Reporting® provides rich, graphical dashboards with key performance metrics in order to pinpoint opportunities for continuously improving the Virtual Assistant and gaining a deeper insight into what customers are saying. The reports are unsupervised as they come directly from the system without any analysis from a human.
To learn more about OCP® Reporting and explore its full functionality, refer to the OCP® Reporting User Guide.
Export Sevice
You can access Export Service by selecting Insights → Export Service.
Export Service allows OCP® users to gain access to their raw application data. The tool is accessible to all OCP® users, however only the users with privileged rights may create a new export or download data.
To learn more about Export Service and explore its full functionality, refer to the Export Service User Guide.