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Support Center Tab

The Support Center tab provides useful support information.

Contact information

The Contact information tab displays Omilia Care contact information:

  • For urgent and high-priority issues and for NICE inContact support, find the corresponding contact details suggested on the page. Emergency support is available 24/7.

  • For medium and low priority issues, as well as for reporting a problem or suggesting an enhancement, create a ticket.

Creating a ticket

To create a ticket, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to Support Center and click the Create Ticket button.

2. Fill in the pop-up form.

  • Summary: Provide a concise descriptive summary for your request

  • Description: Provide a detailed description of your problem or enhancement suggestion

  • Select a request type: Select the type of your request from the drop-down list

  • Select priority: Select the severity level of your request from the drop-down list

  • Phone: Provide your telephone number. This field is optional.

  • Select service: Select a service your request is related to. Available options are ConsoleNLUminiAppsOrchestrator. The following additional fields need to be filled in:

    • For NLU:

      • Select an NLU model: Select an NLU model from the drop-down list.

      • Select an NLU deployment: Select an NLU deployment from the drop-down list.

    • For Orchestrator:

      • Select an Orchestrator instance: Select an Orchestrator instance from the drop-down list.

    • For miniApps:

      • Select instance: Select a miniApps instance from the drop-down list.

      • Select integration: Select an integration from the drop-down list. Available options are Nice inContactGenesysCXengage.

      • Select CCaaS Business unit number: select the number from the drop-down list.

3. Click Browse Files to add an image or screenshot that illustrates the issue. Supported are JPG and PNG files. This field is optional.

4. Click Create to submit your request.


To get access to miniApps knowledge base, click Learn. This resource provides the most substantial how-to information on miniApps.

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