YesNo OCP miniApps®
YesNo miniApps share a lot of the same functionality as regular intent and non-intent miniApps, but their purpose is to simplify the configuration process for a prompt for which you are expecting to hear only a "Yes" or a "No", but also handle an uncertain answer such as “I do not know”.
After the session is completed, the miniApp will return to the parent app (CCaaS flow, or Orchestrator Flow) one of the above:
YES for answers like: yes, that’s correct, I agree, true
NO for answers like: no, that’s wrong, I disagree, false
DK/NO for answers like: i don’t know
Creating a YesNo miniApp
To create an YesNo miniApp, proceed as follows:
Navigate to the miniApps → Manage tab.
Click the + Create button, and select YesNo as the type.
Select the required languages for the miniApp.
Choose the name for the miniApp.
Select the group the miniApp will belong to.
Click Create.
Now you can move on to configuring the full functionality of the miniApp.
The miniApp is visible to any member of the group under which it was created.
Here you can configure the initial welcome prompt that the customer will hear at the beginning of the call.
Initial Prompts
A little lower you can see the Prompts section. In this section, you can set up the main question prompt and two rephrase attempts in case the first prompt didn’t generate a clear enough response.
Greeting Reaction
Sometimes, when prompted for input, a caller may first greet the application instead of giving the input directly. For these cases, it is possible to configure a Greeting Reaction, which will trigger in conjunction with the initial prompt resulting in a more human-like experience.
To set up a greeting reaction, proceed as follows:
Navigate to the Initial Prompt section.
Click Greeting Reaction. The pop-up window opens.
Insert the greeting text into the input field.
Click OK to save changes.
Barge-in option
If you want to activate barge-in for each step, use the toggle on the right side of each initial prompt:
Currently the barge-in option works for the whole action, not for each individual prompt. This will be supported in a later version of the OCP miniApps®.
ASR timeout
You can also adjust the ASR timeout range slider to specify how long the system waits to trigger a NoInput
Custom NLU tag
Apart from the selection of an NLU model in the Understanding tab, it is possible to add a custom tag value in the corresponding text box, used to define a more specific context. Tag Hour for example. Under that tag context, a number input, for example, four, will be marked and understood as the time of the day from the system (four o’clock). So in general tags help differentiate and define a more specific meaning from user inputs.
Start Over Reaction
Can only be triggered with the help of a Flow application, so should not be used in standalone miniApps. More info can be found in Event Handlers section Repeat Handlers function.
This functionality allows you to specify Start Over prompts that will be used after the user requests to start over. For instance, the following conversation may take place:
System: How may I help you?
User: I want to get information about my account.
If for some reason the system takes the wrong path here, the user might be inclined to interrupt with something like “no no, can we please restart”. In that case, in your Flow you can specify that upon hearing the word “restart”, the system will enter this miniApp with the specific Start Over prompt, like “Ok, let’s take it from the top. How can I help you?” as in the screenshot below.
To set up a Start over Reaction , follow the steps:
Navigate to the Initial Prompt section.
Click Start over Reaction. The corresponding pop-up window opens.
Enable the Start over Configuration.
Enter the text you wish to be played as a restart prompt. For example, “Ok, let’s take it from the top. How can I help you?”.
Press OK to save save the changes.
If you decide to use this functionality, you can additionally inform the user about which words will trigger the Start Over functionality by making the following announcement:
“Welcome to our service. At any point you can say 'start from the beginning' to take it from the top.”
After you configure the prompts, click Save Changes.
Agent Handling tab
To see the details on how to configure the Agent Handling tab, check out this article.
Properties tab
To see the details on how to configure the Properties tab, check out this article.
Chat tab
To see details about the Chat tab, check out this article (section 1).
To see details about the DTMF tab, check out this article.
User Functions Tab
To see details about the User Functions tab, check out this article.
Manage Languages tab
To see the details on how to configure the Manage Languages tab, check out this article.