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Integrations role mapping







Retrieve the list of all the miniApps that the user has access to




Attach a number to a miniApp




Detach a number from a miniApp




Delete a number




Get the available numbers for purchase





Create a note for a number





Tag a number



Get versions for the app




Update group for numbers




Export numbers as a CSV file




Import CSV file to update, attach, detach and
delete numbers, and update fields using a CSV file.




Multiple operations can be performed with a single file.

Create a numbers set




Get sets for a current user


Get a set for a group


Get a set by ID


Update a set




Delete a set





Add numbers to a set




Remove numbers from a set




Attach all numbers in the set to an app




Detach all numbers in the set from an app




Get list of numbers in a set


Remove purchased numbers completely




Create numbers and save to the database (without fetching from Twilio).




It requires SUPERUSER or SUPPORT roles from the user

Fetch a number’s app data

For example, what DiaManT application is run with this phone number

Get router by ID

Router contains configuration, primarily API usage

Get a router for a phone number


Get all routers


Create a router to a new app




Update router by ID



Allows to change configuration for a router

Delete router by ID


Move router to the next step




Allows to change router percentage for each application

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