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Working with Legacy Applications

Please note that this feature is not available to all environments yet.

This article explains how to create and deploy a Legacy Application. A Legacy App is a valid DiaManT® application, manually created and configured as set of corresponding files, archived into a ZIP file according to DiaManT® naming conventions.

Create a Legacy App

To create a Legacy App, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Orchestrator page in your OCP Console® and click the +Create button.

  1. Fill in the fields of the Create new application form. In the App Type dropdown, choose the Legacy option.

For the Application Name, only Latin letters, numbers and underscore are allowed.

  1. Click Save when finished.


A Legacy App can’t be opened in the Orchestrator board because it wasn’t built using Orchestrator and contains raw XML data only.

You can manage Legacy Applications from the Orchestrator landing page. Click on the three dots icon to the right of the created Legacy App to access the available options:


Deploy a Legacy App

To deploy a Legacy Application, do the following:

  1. Click on the three dots icon to the right of the Legacy App name as shown on screenshot above and select Deploy. A pop-up window will appear prompting you to upload a ZIP file, either by drag-and-dropping it in the designated area or clicking Browse Files.

The ZIP file should contain a folder with the same name and group as the Orchestrator application. It should follow the following format:


where your_group and yourAppName are the same group and application name that were used to create a Legacy App in Orchestrator UI.

Before uploading your ZIP file, make sure that you incremented the application version inside the XML file.

  1. Once you add the file, click the Deploy button. If you accidentally uploaded a wrong file, you can remove it by clicking the Trash icon above the Deploy button or selecting Cancel to close the pop-up window.

  2. If the Legacy App was deployed successfully, the file was sent directly to DiaManT®, and you will see a green Success message in the upper right corner of your screen.
    If the deployment couldn’t be performed, you will see a red Error message explaining the reason why deployment failed (for example, like on the screenshot below). Make the necessary changes to the file, reupload and deploy it again.

We don’t change any files or perform any checks for Legacy Apps. Make sure you manually configure your XML files, including the application version that should be updated manually.


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