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Pathfinder User Guide


This document provides a detailed description of the Pathfinder tool.

Pathfinder is a knowledge management system, part of the Omilia Cloud Platform® (OCP®), which allows users to upload raw data and get tasks or intents created based on it. These intents can then be used in your application.

Supported data formats include PDF, TXT, CSV, and HTML. It is also possible to add a URL to the Pathfinder to get information from it.

You can access Pathfinder in the side panel as shown below.


Create a Project

To add data to work with, you need to create a project first. Click the +Create Project button in the right upper corner to get started.

All your created projects will be listed in the Pathfinder tab.


Once you click the +Create Project button, you’ll see a modal prompting you to write the Name for the project, select the Group it belongs to, and choose a Domain from the dropdown options.

For the project name, only letters, numbers and underscore are allowed.


Check the checkbox confirming you have read and agreed to the Terms of content below once you read it and click the Create button.


Upload Your Data

To add your data, first choose the type of data you want to upload:

  • Upload with free text (for text content in TXT, PDF formats);

  • Upload files with tabular data (for data content in a CSV format).

The size of your file should be up to 5 MB.


You can also provide your data from a URL. To do it, paste the URL in the field below and click +Add a URL.


Once you click the + Add a URL button, you can also toggle on Follow links one level down if needed.


You can delete any file or URL you added before proceeding with it by clicking on the red Trash icon to the right of each file/URL.


Once you finish, click the Upload and Continue button in the right upper corner of the screen. When the data gets uploaded, you’ll see a pop-up message “Resources added successfully!” in the upper right corner of your screen. You’ll be redirected to the detailed view of your project.

Project View

Within the detailed view of the project, you can view the Intents generated based on the data you uploaded. You can use the Search Intents input field to look up specific Intents added. You can also manually add Intents by pressing the three dots icon above the Search Intents field and selecting +Add Intent.

In the upper right corner, you can also access Manage Data and Close project to return to the main view with the list of all added projects.


Manage Data

If you click Manage Data in the upper right corner, you’ll see two tabs: Files that contain files/URLs you uploaded and their status and Upload that allows you to upload more data to the current project.


The Upload tab contains the same data uploading options as were available when creating the project, including free text, tabular data, and URL:


You can close the Manage Data modal by clicking on the X icon in the upper right corner of the screen:


Create Intent Manually

To create a custom Intent for a specific project manually, click on the three dots icon and select +Add Intent.


Write the name of the Intent and press the Create button.


Click on the created Intent to add Sample Utterances. Type your utterance in the Add Utterance field and press Enter to add it.

The Business Logic tab is not available yet.


To edit a specific Sample Utterance, double-click on it to activate the editing mode. Press Enter when finished to save changes. You can also delete a Sample Utterance by hovering over the utterance in question and clicking the Trash icon to the right of it (appears on hover).

You can add, edit, and delete utterances for a specific Intent, but you can’t edit or delete the Intent itself once added.


Work with Intents

To view details of a specific Intent (whether generated based on the data you uploaded or created manually through the Pathfinder interface) and Sample Utterances associated with it, click the Intent name.


When you have both generated (uploaded) and manually created Intents, generated ones will have a label associated with the data source, while the manually created ones will have a Custom label. For example, on the screenshot below, the Intent generated based on the FAQ data provided via URL has an FAQ label and a manually created Intent has a Custom label.


After Intents were created (whether generated based on the data you uploaded or created manually), you can still add Sample Utterances to them if needed. To do so, click the preferred Intent and type in your utterance in the Add Utterance field. Press Enter to get the utterance added to the Intent.


To edit a specific Sample Utterance, double-click on it to activate the editing mode. Press Enter when finished to save changes. You can also delete a Sample Utterance by hovering over the utterance in question and clicking the Trash icon to the right of it (appears on hover).

It’s possible to add, edit, and delete Sample Utterances both for Intents generated based on the data you uploaded or created manually.

Chat Simulator

To test your Intents and Sample Utterances, you can use a Chat Simulator feature available in the bottom right corner of your detailed project view. Click the violet chat icon as shown on the screenshot below to expand the Chat Simulator.


You can copy one of the existing Sample Utterances and paste the text in the Chat Simulator. To send your message, either click the Send icon or press Enter.


You can then review the response to your message, where your message is violet and system message in grey. To restart the conversation, click the Restart icon.


Multi-step conversations are not yet available in the Chat Simulator. Please restart the chat to start over with another utterance.

To collapse the Chat Simulator window, click the _ icon. To close the Chat Simulator, click the X icon. Collapsing the tool will not delete the current test conversation, and you can view it again after clicking the Chat Simulator icon. Closing the Chat Simulator window will erase the current test conversation and bring you to the starting point when you open the chat next time.


Manage Projects

You can view all your created projects in the Pathfinder tab. If you want to rename or delete any project, click on three dots icon to the right of a specific project and choose Rename or Delete.


If you delete a project, you won’t be able to create a new project with the same name. It’s also not possible to rename an existing project to match the name of the project that was previously deleted. In such cases, you’ll get an error “Found an existing project with the same name and group”.

Deleting a project doesn’t remove it from Pathfinder completely, but rather archives it.

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