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Integrating an Autocorrect Application

To integrate an Autocorrect Application to your model, proceed as follows:

An Autocorrect Application can be only integrated to a Custom domain NLU model.

  1. Navigate to NLU - NLU Models and select an NLU model.

  2. Go to the Upload ResourcesAutocorrect Model tab.

  1. Enter the Application ID of your Autocorrect Application. To find the Application ID, follow these steps:

    1. Navigate to Autocorrect Applications and click on your application.

    2. In the General tab, you can see the Application ID under the application’s name.

    3. Click the Copy icon to copy the Application ID.

    4. Paste the copied ID into the Application ID field.

  1. Enter the Application Token of your Autocorrect Application. To find the Application Token, follow these steps:

    1. Navigate to Autocorrect Applications and click on your application.

    2. In the General tab, scroll to the Authentication sub-section.

    3. Click Copy Token to copy the application token.

    4. Paste the copied ID into the Application Token field.

  1. Click Save.


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