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Exporting / importing an NLU model

You can take advantage of the exporting feature to export your NLU model as a ZIP file and then import it, for example, to be used in a different application. The imported model will be the exact copy of the original NLU model and you can either resume working on it from where you left off or deploy it directly under Deployments without changing it.

Exporting an NLU model

To export your NLU model, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to NLU → NLU Models section.

  2. Select a model from the list of available models and click on it to open.

  3. Click the Options menu icon next to the model status and select Export.


Alternatively, you can export your model from the NLU models section as shown below:


Importing an NLU model

To import an NLU model, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to NLU → NLU Models section and click Create.

  1. In the opened dialog box, click ImportNext.

  1. The next dialog box will open where you should fill in the fields as described below:

  • Name: Provide a unique name for your NLU model.

  • Group: Select a group of users who can access the model.

  1. Upload your NLU model by dropping a ZIP file directly or clicking Browse Files.

  2. Click Create.

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