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Creating an Autocorrect Application

To create an Autocorrect Application, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to NLU - Autocorrect Applications and click the Create button.

  1. In the opened dialog box, fill in the required fields as described below:

  • Name: Provide a name for your Autocorrect Application.

  • Group: Select a group for your Autocorrect Application.

  • Deployment Type: Select Production or Testing deployment type.

    • Testing: A cost efficient deployment type used for testing purposes.

    • Production: Used for live-traffic applications.

  • Language: Select a language for your your Autocorrect Application.

  • Autocorrect Server Version: Select the server version that will be used for your Autocorrect Application. If nothing is selected, the latest version will be applied by default.

  • Domain: Select a domain for your Autocorrect Application.

  • Description: Optional description for your Autocorrect Application.

  1. Click Create when finished. You will see the created application’s details, its status is automatically set to STOPPED as shown below.


Now you should proceed to deploying your Autocorrect application.

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