VB Models Schema
For more information regarding Voice Biometrics, please refer to the Voice Biometrics section.
VB Enrolment
Field | Type | Description |
| string | The event topic name, |
| string | The event generated region. |
| string | The version of the Voice Biometrics (VB) Events. |
| string | The IVR dialog id. |
| string | The session identifier of the unique conversation. |
| string | The origin of the enrolment event (for example, IVR or Agent Side). |
| string | The OCP Group Name. |
| dictionary | Information related to the enrolled user. |
| array of objects | Information related to biokeys that correspond to profiles. |
| string | The VB profile id. |
| dictionary | Information related to the user’s voiceprint. |
Example JSON
"message_type": "vb_enrolment",
"region": "test-region",
"vb_version": “6.8.0”,
"dialog_id": "abcd",
"session_id": "efg",
"origin": "",
"group_name": "",
"enrolled_user": {
"user_id": "",
"organization_name": "",
"user_creation_ts": "",
"opted_out": "",
"optout_ts": "",
"optin_ts": ""
"biokeys": [
"key": "ani",
"value": "12345"
"profile_id": "",
"voiceprint_id": "",
"creation_ts": "",
"extractor_version": "",
"method": "",
"model": "",
"plda_version": "",
"speech_frames": "",
"sw_version": "",
"vp_fail": "",
"vp_fail_reason": ""
Field | Type | Description |
| string | The unique user id. |
| string | The OCP Organization Name. |
| unix timestamp (with ms) | The timestamp of the user creation. |
| boolean | Indicates if a user has opted out from the application. |
| unix timestamp (with ms) | The timestamp of the optout of the user. |
| unix timestamp (with ms) | The timestamp of the optin of the user |
Field | Type | Description |
| string | The biokeys' key. |
| string | The biokeys' value. |
Field | Type | Description |
| integer | The voiceprint id. |
| unix timestamp (with ms) | The creation timestamp of the voiceprint. |
| string | The version of the extractor for building the voiceprint. |
| string | The method used for building the voiceprint. |
| string | The model user for building the voiceprint. |
| string | The PLDA of the model with which the voiceprint was built. |
| integer | The amount of speech frames upon which the voiceprint was built. |
| string | The version of deepVB with which the voiceprint was built. |
| boolean | Whether the voiceprint failed to be built. |
| string (enumerated) | The reason why the voiceprint failed to be built. If the build is successful, then the field is |
VB Verification
Field | Type | Description |
| string | The event topic name, |
| string | The event generated region. |
| string | The version of the Voice Biometrics (VB) Events. |
| string | The IVR dialog ID. |
| integer | The IVR dialog step. |
| dictionary | The information regarding the enrolled user. |
| string | The OCP Group Name. |
| list of long | The unique voiceprint id. |
| string | The VB profile id. |
| long | The unique verification id. |
| string | The base model used for the verification. |
| integer | Speech frames accumulated upon the verification. |
| double | The log-likelihood ratio of the verification. |
| string | The method used for the verification. |
| string | The model used for the verification. |
| double | The normalized log-likelihood ratio of the verification. |
| string | The version of the PLDA model used for the verification. |
| double | The bioscore of the verification. |
| string | The version of deepASR with which the verification took place. |
| long, unix timestamp (with ms) | The timestamp of the verification. |
| boolean | Indicates whether the speaker changed. |
| string (enumerated) | Results of the VB verification. Possible values include: NO_DATA, LOW_DATA, NOT_SCORED, OK_TMP, FALSE_HIGH, FALSE_MEDIUM, FALSE_LOW, TRUE_HIGH, TRUE_MEDIUM, TRUE_LOW, ERROR. |
| string | Fail reason in the event of verification failure. If no failure, then the value is |
| double | The log-likelihood ratio of the speaker change event. |
| double | The normalized log-likelihood ratio of the speaker change event. |
| string | The origin of the verification event (for example, IVR or Agent Side). |
| boolean | Whether the verification created is a target/regular one or a non-target one, which is used for reporting purposes. |
Example JSON
"message_type": "vb_verification",
"vb_version": "6.7.0",
"dialog_id": "12345",
"dialog_step": 7,
"enrolled_user": {
"user_id": "",
"organization_name": ""
"group_name": "DEF",
"voiceprint_ids": [
"profile_id": "DEF",
"verification_id": 8,
"extractor_version": "1.0.3",
"frame_count": 444,
"llr": 0.0001,
"method": "man",
"model": "aadfadf",
"llr_norm": 0.4,
"plda_version": "34.333.22",
"verification_score": 0.13,
"sw_version": "1.0.0-blsfadf",
"verification_ts": 1552639569000,
"user_changed": false,
"verification_result": "FALSE_HIGH",
"fail_reason": null,
"scd_llr": null,
"scd_nllr": null,
"verification_origin": null,
"non_target": true
Field | Type | Description |
| string | The unique user id. |
| string | The OCP Organization Name. |