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miniApps role mapping






Create a miniApp

Copy a miniApp

Retrieve mniApps

Retrieve a specific miniApp model

Download a JSON file containing the failoverResponse of the specified miniApp

Update a JSON file containing the failoverResponse of the specified miniApp

Update a miniApp

Delete a miniApp

Retrieve miniApp prompts

Upload a ZIP file containing all audios to create/update for the specified locale

Attach Number to miniApp

Detach Number from miniApp

Delete Number

Get the available Numbers for purchase

Purchase Number

Tag a Number

Retrieve webChat configuration

Add webChat configuration

Update webChat configuration

Create an Encryption Profile

Update the Encryption Profile key pair for the specified profile

Update the customer encryption public key

Update the customer verification public key

Create a Tenant

Create a virtual number

Delete a virtual number

Delete a ticket of a tenant

Create a ticket for a tenant

Create Flow-type miniApp

Get Flow-type miniApps

Get Status of a Flow-type miniApp

Deploy Flow-type miniApp

Delete Flow-type miniApp

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