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How to manage miniApps®

Manage tab

To enter the OCP miniApps®, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to and click Console, which is a unified entry point for managing all OCP® services.

  1. Enter your email or OCP® username and click Sign In.

  1. Enter your password and click Sign In.

  1. If the credentials are correct, you are forwarded to the OCP Console® landing page.

If you have entered the correct credentials but are still unable to log in, it's possible that your account has been suspended. For further details and steps to resolve this issue, please refer to the Account suspension section.

  1. Click miniApps on the left pane.

  1. Click Manage.


The Manage tab includes all the miniApps you have created, along with their type and the group they belong to. In the Manage tab, you can:

  • Create a new miniApp

  • Duplicate an existing miniApp

  • View and delete already created miniApps

  • Search for existing miniApps

  • Filter the available miniApps based on category using the filter button 2024-05-31_11-43-23.png


Create Group

It is not possible to create and view miniApps if you do not belong to a group. If the user does not belong to a group the corresponding info message will pop up when enter the miniApps menu.

Contact Omilia Care (Support Center) to be assigned to a group.

Create a new application

  1. To create a new application, click Create.

2. In the Create Application pop-up window, fill in the suggested fields:

  • Type: Select the OCP miniApps® type from the drop-down list (Intent, NumericAlphanumericAlphaDateDateRange, Announcement, YesNoWeb ServiceIntelliCorpus Collection, Text).

    • When creating an Intent miniApp, you also need to choose a specific domain

  • Name: Enter a name for the application using only alphanumeric chars and underscores.

  • Group: Select the group the miniApps will belong to. The drop-down menu shows only the groups that the signed-in user is already assigned to. Upon creation, the miniApps will be visible to all people who have access to the specific group you select. If you don’t want the miniApps to be shown to other users, select the group named after your username.

  • Data Privacy: Depending on the sensitivity of the information the users provide, you can decide whether this data will be protected. If you want to protect the user data, you can choose how it will be stored. In the Protection Type drop-down menu, you have the following options:

    • None: stores the data as plain text

    • Irreversible Masking (***): stores the data as masked text

    • Envelope Encryption (AES 256): stores the data as encrypted

3. Click Create to generate the new miniApp.

Duplicate an application

  1. To duplicate an already created miniApp, click the context menu on the right side of the miniApp entry, and click Duplicate.


    Duplicate an application

  2. In the Duplicate Application pop-up window fill in the suggested fields:

Duplicate an application

  • Name: Enter a name for the application using only alphanumeric chars and underscores.

  • Group: Select the Group the miniApps will be assigned to.

  • Data Privacy: Select the Data Privacy type.

3. Click Create to create the new miniApp.

Delete an application

This will permanently delete your miniApp and it cannot be undone.

  1. To delete an already created miniApp, click the context menu on the right side of the miniApp entry, and select Delete.


    Delete an application

  2. Confirm the deletion by typing CONFIRM DELETE.

Confirm deletion

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