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Fail Exit Reason


fail_exit_reason highlights the reason for which the session ended by returning the corresponding error.

For example, each fail_exit_reason will let you know whether the maximum number of agent requests has been exceeded or whether the caller requested the system to 'hold' too many times. These thresholds are set in the Error Handling tab of each miniApp (documentation for configuring them is available in the  Error Handling Tab).

The threshold defines the maximum number of errors that can be tolerated before taking some corrective action, such as prompting the user to rephrase, escalating to a human agent, or terminating the session.

Below you can find the full list of possible fail_exit_reason values and their explanations.

Exit Responses

Inputs / No inputs

A No Input event occurs when a user does not provide any input to bot's question. 

  • MaxNoInputs: No inputs threshold maxed out.

  • MaxContinuousNoInputs: Continuous no inputs threshold maxed out.


Bot: Welcome to ABC Bank. What can I do for you today?

User: [noinput]

  • Continuous no responses counter: 1

  • Global no responses counter: 1

Bot: How can I help you?

User: It’s about my card

  • Continuous no responses counter: 0 (reset since the user has provided input)

  • Global no responses counter: 1 (no reset since it counts the total number of no responses)

Bot: How can I help you in regards to your card?

User: [noinput]

  • Continuous no responses counter: 1

  • Global no responses counter: 2

No Interpretation errors

When setting up a miniApp in Omilia's dialog management framework, it's crucial to manage how the system handles instances where it fails to interpret user input. This is where configuring the Max No Interpretation Errors thresholds and understanding specific fail reasons becomes important.

No Interpretation counters are counted individually for any of the below errors:

  • NoMatches

  • ContinuousNoMatches

  • SameStateEvents

  • ContinuousLowConfRejections

  • LowConfRejections

  • ContinuousSameStateEvents

When setting up a miniApp, you can edit the Max No Interpretation Errors thresholds and when you implement through the Orchestrator, you can also access the more specific error types using Event handlers.

No matches

A NoMatches event occurs when a user provides input but there are no NLU results at all. NoMatches events contribute to the No Interpretation error counters.

  • MaxNoMatches: No matches threshold maxed out.

  • MaxContinuousNoMatches: Continuous no matches threshold maxed out.


Bot: Welcome to ABC Bank. What can I do for you today?

User: abra cadabra

  • Continuous no interpretation counter: 1

  • Global no interpretation counter: 1      

Bot: How can I help you?

User: it’s about my card

  • Continuous no interpretation counter: 0 (reset since there are NLU results)

  • Global no interpretation: 1 (no reset since it counts the total number of no interpretations)

Bot: How can I help you in regards to your card?

User: abra cadabra

  • Continuous no interpretation counter: 0

  • Global no interpretation: 1

Same state events

A SameStateEvent occurs when a user provides input that returns an NLU result, but the information is not sufficient to evolve the dialog. Same State events are counted through the No Interpretation counters.

  • MaxSameStateEvents: Same state events threshold maxed out.

  • MaxContinuousSameStateEvents: Continuous same state events threshold maxed out.


Bot: Welcome to ABC Bank. What can I do for you today?

User: May 1st

  • Continuous no interpretation counter: 1

  • Global no interpretation counter: 1

Bot: I am sorry, I didn’t get that. How can I help you?

User: it’s about my card

  • Continuous no interpretation counter: 0 (reset since there are NLU results and there is progress in the dialog)

  • Global no interpretation: 1 (no reset since it counts the total number of no interpretations)

Bot: How can I help you in regards to your card?

User: one dollar

  • Continuous no interpretation counter: 0

  • Global no interpretation: 2

Low confidence

A LowConfRejections occurs when a user provides input but NLU results are rejected due to low confidence. SameState events are counted through the No Interpretation counters.

  • MaxLowConfRejections: Low confidence threshold maxed out. Increases whenever a NoMatches event or LowConfidenceRejection, or SameState event occurs.

  • MaxContinuousLowConfRejections: Continuous low confidence threshold maxed out.

Agent requests

The agent requests counters increase each time the caller asks to speak with a representative.

  • MaxAgentRequests: Agent request threshold maxed out.

  • MaxContinuousAgentRequests: Continuous agent request threshold maxed out.

  • MaxAmbiguousAgentRequests: Agent request threshold maxed out during an Intent disambiguation step.

  • MaxSuggestionAgentRequests: Agent request threshold maxed out during the Suggestion step or the Intent confirmation step.

MaxAgentRequests count increases when we have either SuggestionAgentRequests or AmbiguousAgentRequests .

If there are multiple agent request FailExitReasons values reaching their threshold at the same time, the one with the highest priority triggers the agent transfer.

Priority list

  1. MaxAmbiguousAgentRequests

  2. MaxSuggestionAgentRequests

  3. MaxAgentRequests


Bot: Welcome to ABC Bank. What can I do for you today?

User: speak to a representative

  • Continuous agent requests counter: 1

  • Global agent requests counter: 1

Bot: I understand you want to speak to an agent, but I may be able to help your right away. Please tell me how can I help you.

User: What are the branch working hours?

  • Continuous agent requests counter: 0

  • Global agent requests counter: 1

Bot: Branch hours are common for all branches. Opening hours are from 9 am to 5 pm on weekdays and from 9 am to 3 pm on weekends.

Is there anything else I can do for you?

User: I want to speak to a real person

  • Continuous agent requests counter: 1

  • Global agent requests counter: 2

DTMF inputs

The DMTF inputs counter increases each time the caller uses keypad instead of voice in an Intent miniApp.

  • MaxDtmfInputs: DTMF inputs threshold maxed out.

Hold functionality

  • AgentRequest: When caller requests an agent after being asked to call back, or transferred to an agent after hold period is over.

  • MaxHoldRequests: Hold requests threshold reached. The caller can only request for the system to 'hold' a maximum of 5 times (hardcoded).

  • CallBack: During the Hold_MaxWait action the caller notified the system that they will call back at a later time.

Information about how to set the Hold functionality in miniApps can be found in the Hold functionality tab article.


Disconfirmations happen when the user does not confirm the data when requested.

  • MaxDisconfirmations: Disconfirmations threshold maxed out.

Global errors

  • MaxGlobalErrors: Global errors threshold maxed out.

  • MaxContinuousErrors: Continuous global errors threshold maxed out.

Configuration errors

These are internal errors. Please contact Omilia Customer Support in case such error occurs.

  • getMiniAppError: miniApp configuration error.

  • getMiniAppTimeout: miniApp configuration timeout error.


  • CriticalError: A system error that leads to an unsuccessful dialog.

  • DtmfEscapeKey: The caller opted out from the miniApp using the DTMF escape key.

  • InfoAsked_NotAvailable: The caller notified the system that they do not have the information requested.

  • intelliActionTimeout: Maximum timeout threshold reached. Applies specifically to Intelli and WebService miniApps.

  • jsExecutionError: There is a JS error in a user-defined function or in a user-defined validation set in a miniApp.

  • MaxDisambiguations: Can only disambiguate a specific number of times on a single MiniApp and then exit.

  • MaxGreetings: Greeting threshold reached. The caller can only greet the system a maximum of 5 times.

  • MaxWrongInputs: Wrong inputs threshold, as set in validations menu, is maxed out.

  • StartOver: During any step the caller asked to start over from the beginning.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.