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Logging in

Logging in

To log in to Conversational Natural Language, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Home | Omilia Cloud Platform and click Console, which is a unified entry point for managing all OCP® services.

  1. Select the regional OCP Console URL that you are using.

  2. Enter your email or OCP® username and click Sign In.

  1. Enter your password and click Sign In.

  1. If the credentials are correct, you are forwarded to the OCP Console® landing page.

If you have entered the correct credentials but are still unable to log in, it's possible that your account has been suspended. For further details and steps to resolve this issue, please refer to the Account suspension section.

  1. Click NLU  on the sidebar on the left.

  1. After being redirected to the Conversational Natural Language®, you will see the list of NLU models that you have access to, based on your organization and the groups you are part of.

  1. If you have no available NLU models, the page will look as follow:

  1. After you have created models of your own, they will be listed here as well. Switch on the Created by me toggle to filter out the models created by you.



The Conversational Natural Language navigation bar consists of three tabs:


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