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Voice Biometrics Review

Voice Biometrics Review offers information regarding the enrolled users for every available profile as well as the caller verifications history.

To see the Voice Biometrics Review, go to Voice BiometricsReview.



Enrolling a caller corresponds to linking a voiceprint, which is built from a recording, to an identity, such as a unique identifier and (optionally) a set of biokeys. There are two ways to enroll a caller:

  • Through the IVR

  • Through the Agent

To check the enrollments, go to the Enrollments tab and select a profile from the list.

Use the search field to locate a specific enrollment by entering the Dialog ID, CCaaS Session ID, or User ID.


In the Enrollments menu you can copy an enrollment UUID by clicking the copy button and check the below information:

UUIDs are generated based on SHA-256 Cryptographic Hash Algorithm.

  • USER ID: The user identifier

  • DATE: The date the user enrolled in VB

  • TIME: The time the user enrolled in VB

  • ACTIVE: True/False indicates if the user is active, meaning they have at least one voiceprint stored, that can be used for verification.

  • OPTED OUT: True/False value indicates a user that has requested to be removed from the VB service

When an enrollment runs, it creates a record that is available for review by clicking the expand button on the left of each enrollment.

There is a limit of 50 enrollments per user.

Enrollment voiceprint records are kept for two years.

The expansion provides the following additional info:

SESSION ID: The ID number of the call.

ORIGIN: The origin of the enrollment (IVR or Agent).

CLEAN SPEECH DURATION: The actual time period within the call that was used for the enrollment.

STATUS: The status of the enrollment.


Once a caller has enrolled, they can be verified against their enrollment in two ways:

  • Through the IVR

  • Through the Agent

Processing a verification is synchronous, so deepVB will respond with whether the verification was successful or not. If the verification was successful, the bioscore will be provided as well as whether a speaker change was detected within the audio provided.

Verification record data is stored for six months.

To check the verifications, go to the Verifications tab and select a profile from the list.


In the Verifications tab you can check the following information:

  • DATE: The date the user was verified

  • TIME: The time the user was verified

  • USER ID: The user identification number

  • ORIGIN: The origin of the verification. Can be Agent or IVR

  • DIALOG: The dialog identification number

  • STEP: The step of the conversation where the verification took place

  • SPEECH DURATION: The speech duration of the verification step (minimum requirement is 2sec)

  • SCORE: The verification similarity score on a scale 0-100%

In the Verifications tab you can perform the following actions:

  • Click the Copy icon next to the user ID number to copy it.

  • Click the Copy icon next to the dialog ID number to copy it.

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