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Testing Studio+™ Structure

Testing Studio+™ has the following directory structure:

  • /tests : directory where test suites are saved

  • /tests/example_test_suite/: directory where logically grouped test cases are saved.

  • /tests/example_test_suite/test_cases.yml: file containing test cases.

  • /tests/example_test_suite/scenarios.yml: file containing user defined test cases

  • /tests/example_test_suite/golden_dialogs/: directory where golden dialogs are saved

  • /tests/example_test_suite/golden_dialogs/dialog.json: golden dialog file in JSON format downloaded from OmDRTViewer

  • /tests/example_test_suite/global_properties.yml": file containing property values that are set globally, for all test cases

View the following ZIP file to check the Testing Studio+ structure and download it as a template:

Test Suite Folder

The test suite directory contains the following file types:

Below you can find a detailed description of each file type.

dialog.json File

The dialog.json file is the actual dialog that the Testing Studio+ is going to reproduce and validate.

In order to be used, the dialog.json files should be placed under golden_dialogs folder in every Test suite folder.

Make sure that all fields are snake_case. Any other format (for example, camelCase) is incompatible, and the tool will fail on startup.


 "total_steps": 1,
 "duration": ,
 "dialog_id": "",
 "app_name": "",
 "origin_uri": "",
 "destination_uri": "",
 "dialog_kvps": "",
 "inbound_attached_data": "",
 "dialog_events": "",
 "end_type": "",
 "transfer_line": "",
 "dialog_date": "",
 "dialog_steps": [
     "step_num": 1,
     "action_name": "",
     "target_name": "",
     "utterance": "",
     "annotation": "[]",
     "grammar": "",
     "locale": "",
     "prompt": "",
     "comment": "",
     "intent": "",
     "encryption": "",
     "step_time": ""
 "audios": [],
 "metadata": {
   "app_version": "",
   "diamant_version": "9.6.0",
   "encryption": ""

test_case.json/yml File

Testing Studio+ parses test case files in order to execute an actual dialog. Test case file has a one-to-one reference with a dialog.json file along with any test/simulation data required for the specific scenario.

Testing Studio+ supports test case files of two types: JSON and YML.


    "description":"Sample test case",
    "group": "a group",
    "simulation_data": {
    "golden_dialog": "dialog_1.json",
    "tries": 5,
    "utterances": [
        {"utterance": "hello"},
        {"utterance": "what is my balance?","modality": "speech"},
        {"utterance": "one two three"}
  "dialog_events_rules": {
    "assert": {
      "exp": [
      "operator": "and"
  "session_channel": "web-chat",
  "handle_delays": false


id: 101
description: Sample test case
group: a group
    Ani: 124
    Dnis: 12345
golden_dialog: dialog_1.json
tries: 5
- utterance: hello
- utterance: what is my balance?
  modality: speech
      BioScore: TRUE_HIGH
- utterance: one two three
      - Intent%
      - OQ_Welcome
    operator: and
      - Locale%
      - Region
    operator: and    
session_channel: web-chat
handle_delays: false

Both JSON and YML have the same properties:

Mandatory properties are marked with an asterisk (*)





id *

Test case unique identifier

description *

Test case description


Named tag to distinguish test cases. Used for filtering execution of test cases.

golden_dialog *

Referenced dialog.json ID number


boolean field that indicates if you want to let Testing Studio+ skip delays (for example, such us miniApp WebService delays)

If not set, handle_delays will be true.


Simulation data. The following simulation data categories are available:

  • initial: contains application field-value pairs that you want to send upon dialog initiation (e.g. to simulate the value of Ani, Dnis or other fields right when the dialog starts).

  • bio_data: contains voice biometrics field-value pairs that you want to simulate (e.g. BioScore or BioSearch)

These nodes should in turn contain field-value pairs that simulate the output parameters of that action.

Let’s simulate the following case:

  • Ani gets the value 124 and Dnis gets the value 12345 on dialog start.

Ani, Dnis, balance and card are the parameters defined either by the application in test.

Here’s the YML syntax:

    Ani: 124
    Dnis: 12345

This parameter is mandated supporting service. Testing Studio+ does not filter or operate on any simulation data. They are just optionally sent to supporting service when a dialog starts in order to facilitate testing needs.

Include only type and values you want to use in the simulation data, otherwise the test will fail. For example, if you don’t want to send Dnis, don’t include it at all.

Make sure that you use the correct case for the fields you are simulating. For example, Ani for the origin number and Dnis for the destination number.


If true, the simulation data specified in the test case file will overwrite any data set in the global properties file. This means that the test will run using only the simulation data defined within the test case file, ignoring those specified in the global properties file.

For example, if global properties include Ani=12 and a test case specifies Dnis=34, the test would run using only Dnis=34.

If false or not set, the simulation data from both sources will be merged.

Using the same example above, the test will now run using both Ani=12 and Dnis=34.

tries *

How many times a failed test case is to be executed (0_to_20, default: 1)

A test case might fail due to various reasons. A common reason is that a dialog flow in an Omilia application is not deterministic, thus the flow might have a different dialog step order every time it is executed.

For this reason, a test case is executed multiple times (as determined by tries value) and considered failed only if assertions failed every time. If the test case passed at least once, it is considered as successful.


Actual utterances of the dialog to be tested. If omitted,the tool will use the utterances from the dialog.json file. Utterances consist of the following fields:

  • utterance: The text representation of the utterance. This field is mandatory.

  • modality: Whether this utterance will be sent as a chat, DTMF or with ASR support. Possible values are text, dtmf and speech respectively.

If modality is not present, the test case modality will be used.

The number of utterances in the test case should not exceed the number of actual steps of the referenced dialog, otherwise the test case will fail.


These rules work only if the dialog_events assertion is enabled

A set of rules by which the Testing Studio+ will assert or ignore specific dialog events. It may comprise the assert or ignore nodes:

  • when using the assert, then only what you have put under the assert node will be validated. Any other dialog event will not be validated.

  • (same goes for ignore), when using ignore, it will check all the dialog events, except for those declared under the ignore node.

YML syntax:

  • Assert node

      - Intent%
      - OQ_Welcome
    operator: and

Intent% means that the golden dialog must contain the same dialog events starting with Intent as the ones in the actual running case.

  • A successful scenario example:

Golden: OQ_Welcome, Intent-Balance, HUP
Actual: OQ_Welcome, AgentRequest, Intent-Balance, TRANSFER

  • A failed scenario example:

Golden: OQ_Welcome, Intent-Card_Activate, HUP
Actual: OQ_Welcome, AgentRequest, Intent-Balance, TRANSFER

  • Ignore node

    - Ani:%
    operator: or

Ani=% means that all dialog events starting with Ani can be ignored. The rest of the dialog events must all be the same.

  • A successful scenario example:

Golden: Ani=12345, OQ_Welcome, Intent-Balance, HUP
Actual: Ani=99999, OQ_Welcome, Intent-Balance, HUP

  • A failed scenario example:

Golden: Ani=12345, OQ_Welcome, Intent-Balance, HUP
Actual: Ani=99999, OQ_Welcome, AgentRequest, Intent-Balance, HUP

Since the Assert node only compares the declared expressions and implicitly ignores all the other ones, defining both type of nodes under dialog_events_rules is redundant. The Ignore node will be ignored.


These rules work only if the dialog_kvps assertion is enabled.

A set of rules by which the Testing Studio+ will assert or ignore specific key-value pairs. It may comprise the assert or ignore nodes:

  • when using the assert, then only what you have put under the assert node will be validated. Any other key-value pairs will not be validated.

  • (same goes for ignore), when using ignore, it will check all the key-value pairs, except for those declared under the ignore node.

YML syntax:

  • Assert node

      - Locale%
      - Region
    operator: and
  • Ignore node

      - Timezone%
    operator: and

Since the Assert node only compares the declared expressions and implicitly ignores all the other ones, defining both type of nodes under dialog_kvps_rules is redundant. The Ignore node will be ignored.


Represents the channel on which Testing Studio+ will start the dialog for the specific Test Case

Possible values: web-chat, chat, ivr, miniapps.

If not set, session_channel will be chat.


An option to let Testing Studio+ handle delays (such as miniApp Webservice delays) The default value is true


Test case files can contain special character in their file names. Testing Studio+ will replace them when running test cases to avoid any issues. Avoid using % as a part of a test case file name, since it is used as a wild card when filtering. In general, it is considered a good practice to avoid using special characters in file names or folder names.

scenarios.yml File

The scenarios.yml file contains a list of test cases used as user-defined testing scenarios. The purpose of this file is to support Test Driven Development. If golden dialog files are unavailable, to run a test, create a scenarios.yml file with test cases. Test cases will run normally with assertions disabled.
scenarios.yml files are supplementary to any existing test cases.


  - id: 101
    golden_dialog: dialog1.json
    session_channel: web-chat
      - utterance: ""
      - utterance: hello
      - utterance: card balance
  - id: 102
    golden_dialog: dialog2.json
    group: a group
      - utterance: ""
      - utterance: good morning
      - utterance: i lost my card
      - utterance: one two three four
          - Intent=Balance%
          - OQ_Welcome
        operator: or
          - Locale%
          - Region
        operator: and    

The golden_dialog values must be unique within a test suite, otherwise the process will fail.

User-defined test cases should include an empty utterance as the first utterance of the test case.

test_cases.yml File

The test_cases.yml is a file created by Testing Studio+ during test case generation which contains a list of test cases. Testing Studio+ parses test_cases.yml to execute an actual dialog.


  - id: 101
    golden_dialog: dialog1.json
    session_channel: web-chat
      - utterance: hello
      - utterance: card balance
  - id: 102
    golden_dialog: dialog2.json
    group: a group
      - utterance: ""
      - utterance: good morning
      - utterance: i lost my card
      - utterance: one two three four

The golden_dialog values must be unique within a test suite, otherwise the process will fail.

global_properties.yml File

This file allows you to set a number of test case properties globally for all test cases inside a test suite folder. Properties defined in the global properties file are automatically applied to all test cases within the same test suite. This helps in reducing redundancy and making maintenance easier by centralizing common settings.

The simulation data set in the global properties file and the test case file are merged by default. This means that when a test runs, it utilizes a combination of both global and specific test case data.

However, If the overwrite_simulation_data flag within the test case file is set to true, the
simulation data specified in the test case file will overwrite any data set in the global properties file. This means, that only the simulation data defined in the test case file will be used, ignoring the global properties ones.

The supported properties are the following:

  • tries

  • simulation_data

  • modality

  • session_channel

  • handle_delays

  • dialog_events_rules

  • dialog_kvps_rules


handle_delays: false
session_channel: web-chat
tries: 5
      Ani: 123
      Dnis: 12345
      - Intent%
      - OQ_Welcome
    operator: and
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