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OCP Release Notes

In this section, you can find the OCP Release Notes for past and upcoming releases. Release Notes are created per OCP Component update.

July 29, 2024

Component: Testing Studio
Version: v1.6.0


  • Status endpoint for API

  • Minor Fixes and Internal Improvements

July 22, 2024

Component: Orchestrator
Version: v1.22.0


  • Support legacy Apps when creating a new Application

  • Deploy of legacy Applications

  • Expose blocklisting fields

  • Deprecate underscores in field names

  • Option for declaring incoming attached data fields as sensitive


  • Minor fixes and internal improvements

Component: miniApps
Version: v2.26.0


  • Alphanumeric miniApp support for Portuguese (pt-PT)

  • Amount miniApp support for Greek (el-GR)

  • Validation in Entity miniApp

  • Support Oliver-happy voice

  • Add custom FailExitReason message in WS miniApp


  • DTMF Accept/Reject improvement


  • Minor Fixes and Internal Improvements

June 27, 2024

Component: Pathfinder
Version: v1.0.0

Introducing PathFinder, the new tool for designing and implementing your Conversational AI application in minutes.

Users will be able to upload data (.pfds, urls) to create, update and test FAQs with a few clicks Identify intents automatically from the data provided.

Component: IAM
Version: v3.1.0


  • User deactivation context for the Access Management UI, API

  • Pagination to IAM public Organisation's Groups view

  • Support for multiple Administrators in an Organisation

  • Options for services in Policies

  • Navigation to the User's view from Organisation’s Groups view

  • Organisation’s User’s Details updated with broader information


  • Date format in IAM UI is changed to ISO: YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS

  • Limit on service accounts in Policies UI increased


  • Organisation’s administrators duplication in the Group members list

  • User’s Policies list filtration

June 13, 2024

Component: Voice Biometrics
Version: v1.8.0

Agent-side widget:

  • Replace server-sent events with websocket communication between front-end and back-end

Voice Biometrics API:

  • Provide websockets for getting verification results and dialog status updates

  • Deprecate server-sent events API endpoints

  • Add blocklist results to session status endpoint

Voice Biometrics Core:

  • Introduce new enrollment fail reason for cases where no dominant speaker is found

OCP Console:

  • Display 0 seconds of clean speech in cases of failed enrollments with no speech frames


  • Change method of billing for verifications

June 05, 2024

Component: miniApps
Version: v2.25.0

  • Introducing filters in miniApps Manage page

  • Support Portuguese miniApps

  • Agent handling UI refactor

  • Support new MS Azure German voices

Component: Orchestrator
Version: v1.21.0

  • Introducing Sync/Async onDialogEnd handlers

  • UI improvements of Input/Output field modals

  • Minor improvements and fixes

Component: Environments Manager
Version: v1.15.0

  • Handling VB upon Export - Import

  • Use specific user for accessing Redis

  • Edit Variables Collection Name

  • Enrich NLU Not Found Error

  • Create OCP Variables in batches

  • Forbid space usage in "Variable Collections" keys

  • Update Promote Modal

  • Description field for each OCP Variable

  • Various fixes and improvements

May 23, 2024

Component: Testing Studio
Version: v1.5.0


  • Introducing End2End testing using voice

  • Search for projects

  • View the dialogs on insights with a click of a button

May 21, 2024

Component: miniApps
Version: v2.24.0


  • Support of Studioless xPacks

May 16, 2024

Component: OCP Testing Studio
Version: v1.4.1


  • Support new Dialogs-API URL

April 29, 2024

Environments: EU1, US1, US1W, US2dev

Component: Orchestrator
Version: v.1.20.0


  • Newly created miniApps are now shown immediately on the right side menu

  • Double click on a miniApp node to open miniApps configuration in a new page

  • OCP variables are now listed in the dropdown list in Condition blocks

  • Minor fixes and improvements

Component: miniApps
Version: v.2.23.0


  • Introducing encryption with JSON Web Key (JWK)

  • Added MS Azure TTS German voices Kasper and Elke

  • Introducing Omilia's TTS 'Oliver' for en-US

  • Increased Max threshold for initial/additional WS timeouts

  • Minor fixes and improvements

April 11, 2024

Environments: US2

Component: Metrics API
Version: v.2.1.0


  • Metrics-api v2 endpoints

  • Implement dialog batch metrics

  • Support multi-region

April 18, 2024

Component: Voice Biometrics
Version: v1.7.0

Agent-side widget:

  • Check voice against blocklist and show results on the agent’s screen

  • Save on Genesys Audiohook Consumption on Agent-side Verification

Voice Biometrics API:

  • Provide pause and resume endpoints for Genesys Audiohook

April 17, 2024

Component: Voice Biometrics
Version: v1.6.2


  • New backend model update

    • Stricter biomodel deployed for running verifications

April 10, 2024

Environments: US1, US2, US2W, EU1

Component: OCP miniApps
Version: v2.22.0


  • Support for OCP Variables

  • Introduce KVPs for WS call response status


  • Sensitive Fields Are Now Masked in WS miniApps Regardless the miniApp Sensitivity

  • Increase Max WS timeout to 40000ms

  • Add username and password fields to CFront tranfer module UI

  • Error Reaction prompt section can now be found under Properties tab


  • Minor Fixes and Improvements

Component: Orchestrator
Version: v1.19.0


  • Limit KVPs total number per flow

  • Introduce soft warnings in UI

  • Support OCP Variables

  • OCP Variables are available in Condition blocks


  • Minor Fixes and Improvements

Component: Environment Manager
Version: v1.14.0


  • Introduced OCP Variables

  • Updated the NLU endpoint for fetching app token

  • Updated the status endpoint

Component: OCP Exports Service
Version: v1.4.0


  • Multi Region Reconciliation Process Updates

  • Security Updates

  • Cross Region Steams handling

  • Documentation Updates

April 01, 2024

Environments: US1, US1W, EU1

Component: OCP Chat Widget
Version: v2.25.0


  • Attachments support. User can attach JPG, JPEG, PDF, DOC type files in the chat.

March 27, 2024

Environments: US1, US2, US2W, EU1

Component: OCP miniApps
Version: v2.21.0


  • Support for Dynamic Grammars for Name Verification

  • Introduce de-DE Date miniApp

  • Support handlebars.js

  • Improve Date and Alpha miniApps default validations

  • Support Replay Option for Announcement miniApp and Welcome step


  • Minor Fixes and Improvements

March 07, 2024

Component: Voice Biometrics
Version: v1.6.0

OCP Console:

  • Add explanation toolbar on Enrolment Page Columns

  • Change TRUE_LOW and TRUE_MEDIUM colors on console

  • Show bio user IDs for users with decryptor rights

  • Sort Enrolments on related Review Page

Agent-side widget:

  • Display latest enrollment on widget

  • Optionally use master ID to open widget iframe in NICE

  • Prevent search with Biolocale key if it is the only one present when initiating Agent session


  • Differentiate between verifications originating from Omilia’s IVR and Agent-side ones

February 15, 2024

Component: Voice Biometrics
Version: v1.5.0


  • Re-design Enrollments Page

    • Show dialog ID of enrolment sessions

    • Enable OCP user to find CCaaS session ID for a given enrolment session

    • Enable OCP user to search for enrollments by user ID, by Dialog ID or by CCaaS Session ID

  • Provide endpoint to get clean speech for a certain session

  • Change TRUE_MEDIUM color to indicate that user is not verified

  • Fit opt-out window into the screen of the agent

  • Allow specific non-alphanumeric characters for the user ID

    • dash ( - )

    • underscore ( _ )

    • plus sign ( + )

January 15, 2024

Component: Voice Biometrics
Version: v1.4.0


  • Voice Biometrics as a Service

  • Internationalize VB agent widget

December 13, 2023

Environments: US1, US2, US2W, EU1, AWS-PRE, US2dev

Component: OCP Testing Studio
Version: v1.3.0


  • Integration with Orchestrator: Users can now effortlessly associate their available Orchestrator applications with their testing projects

  • Exclude Awaits when Generating a Golden Dialog


  • Various internal improvements and minor fixes

Environments: US1

Component: Environment Manager
Version: v1.12.0


  • Application Tags/Versioning

  • Utilize Base Image Entry point Setup

  • Remove Composed Component IDs

  • Enable Component ID Replacement

  • Add more descriptive error response when communicating with Orchestrator


  • Remove redundant scrollbar

  • Set up deployment notifications for EnvsManager UI and API in Slack

  • Defect dojo integration

  • Enhance Export Metadata

  • Fetch NLU Deployments Limit Issue

  • Bug fixes

  • Create markdown for Releases to Azure Artifacts

December 10, 2023

Environments: US1, US2, US2W, EU1

Component: OCP miniApps
Version: v2.20.0


  • Caching WebService Responses

  • Support for Application Tagging

  • Read Response Headers

  • StartOver Facelift

  • Add Enable Option for Welcome Prompt

  • Support DTMF Confirmation for Yes/No Disambiguation and Suggestion in Intent miniApps

  • NBest Triggering Can Also Be Determined by miniApps Type

  • Support New Google TTS Voice Talent en-US-Neural2

  • UI Improvements including:

    • Reorganization for Intent miniApps Tab

    • Reorganization of Yes/No miniApps Tab

    • DTMF Tab Facelift


  • Apply Sensitivity to WS/Intelli Outputs

  • Various Minor Fixes and Internal Improvements

November 07, 2023

Environments: AWS-PRE, EU1, US1, US1W, US2dev, US2, US2W

Component: OCP Console
Version: v1.7.0


  • Security updates


  • Bug with notifications counter


  • Link to Billing removed from the main screen

  • File upload modals

October 30, 2023

Environments: East-US

Component: Chat Widget
Version: v2.23.0


  • Same chat continues for different pages in the browser.

  • Three message states for webchat: Sent, Sending, Error.

October 25, 2023

Component: Voice Biometrics
Version: v1.3.0

Agent-side Updates

  • Search user results are now shown on the top of the agent-side widget

  • Support Enrolment through NICE’s Advanced Recording

  • Enrolment button is disabled after it is clicked

  • New visualization when multiple users are found on agent-side widget

OCP Console Updates

  • VB profiles descriptions are now visible and editable

October 12, 2023

Environments: US1, US2, US2dev, US2W

Component: miniApps
Version: v2.19.1


  • Various security fixes

  • Fix for issue with entity confirmation realizer

Component: OCP Testing Studio
Version: v 1.2.1 - Hotfix


  • Add a Fix for Uploading .zip file on Windows Machine

Environments: East-US

Component: Chat Widget
Version: v2.22.0


  • Chat Survey feature that allows clients to gather valuable feedback from end-users about the quality of their conversations with agents after the chat has ended.

October 03, 2023

Environments: EU1

Component: OCP Testing Studio
Version: v1.1.0


  • Expose APIs for CI/CD


  • Issue when the name of .zip file doesn't match the folder's name (in the .zip)

  • Fix accessibility findings

September 28, 2023

Environments: East-US

Component: Chat Widget
Version: v2.21.0


  • A hover popover feature in the header for titles with 25 or more symbols. This improves readability and allows for longer titles without affecting the user experience.

    • Sound notifications to the WebChat Widget. These audible notifications will alert users to important messages, especially when the widget is minimized or on an inactive browser page or tab.

    • Support for links within lists, broadening the range of content within the application. This will allow users to navigate directly to relevant pages, resources or external websites from the list items.


  • Updated the WebChat interface for a refreshed design and improved user experience.

Environments: US1

Component: miniApps
Version: v2.19.0


  • Improved JS Error handling

  • Support for en-GB in Date miniApp

  • DTMF Escape - Support for double digits keys

  • Confirmation Support for Entity miniApp

  • Support for Chat Widget in Text miniApp


  • MaxContinuousErrors triggers error reaction before exit

  • Failed to download pre-recorded audio list

  • Minor fixes and improvements

Component: Orchestrator
Version: v1.16.2


  • Introduce shared flows

  • Share application with other groups

  • Configure the shared application to be used as a flow

  • Use the shared application as flows in other applications

  • Support automatic KVPs logging in miniApp/Flow inputs and outputs


  • Minor fixes and internal improvements

September 27, 2023

Environments: US2, US2W

Component: miniApps
Version: v2.19.0


  • Improved JS Error handling

  • Support for en-GB in Date miniApp

  • DTMF Escape - Support for double digits keys

  • Confirmation Support for Entity miniApp

  • Support for Chat Widget in Text miniApp


  • MaxContinuousErrors triggers error reaction before exit

  • Failed to download pre-recorded audio list

  • Minor fixes and improvements

Component: Orchestrator
Version: v1.16.2


  • Introduce shared flows

  • Share application with other groups

  • Configure the shared application to be used as a flow

  • Use the shared application as flows in other applications

  • Support automatic KVPs logging in miniApp/Flow inputs and outputs


  • Minor fixes and internal improvements

September 26, 2023

Environments: US2, US2W

Component: OCP Conversational Insights
Version: v1.15


  • Export Service - UI

  • Reporting - Include rates percentages in Real-time reports

  • Support CDRs Session ID new field

  • Add new token implementation for Insights


  • Replace table with UI kit


  • Bug Left panel overwrites the right one on update

  • Reporting - Comparison dates don't load by default bug

Component: Monitor UI
Version: v1.15


  • Support Connection ID & Session ID in Monitor UI

  • Reporting - Include rates percentages in Real-time reports

  • Support CDRs Session ID New Field

  • Add new token implementation for Insights

  • Reporting - Comparison Dates don't load by default Bug


  • Volume sound wave - Monitor UI

  • Not Show VB results in Monitor miniApps

  • Replace table with UI kit

  • Export Service - UI


  • Bug Left panel overwrites the right one on update

  • Invalid user audio duration Bug

Component: OCP Export Service
Version: v1.1.2


  • Streaming exports- Redis streams partitioning

  • Update exports-api tests with new Owner and Viewer roles

  • Include DAST in APIs pipelines

  • Integrate Export API with IAM

  • Add Retry-After header on 429 error


  • Rotate docker logs for all APIs

  • Export Service - UI


  • Streaming export 400 Response error code

  • Export UI - Invalid default time on export creation bug

  • Exports API - invalid response

  • Read and use Retry-After from response header

September 25, 2023

Environments: US1

Component: Metrics API
Version: v1.5.1


  • Included DAST in APIs pipelines


  • Rotated docker logs for all APIs

Component: OCP Conversational Insights
Version: v1.15


  • Included Rates Percentages in Real Time Reports

  • Supported CDRs Session ID New Field

  • New token implementation for Insights

  • Export Service - UI


  • Replaced table with UI kit


  • Bug - Left panel overwrites the right one on update

  • Comparison Dates doesn't load by default

Component: Monitor UI
Version: v1.15


  • Volume sound wave - Monitor UI

  • Supported Connection ID & Session ID in Monitor UI

  • Supported CDRs Session ID New Field

  • New token implementation for Insights

  • Export Service - UI


  • Tech debt - Got rid of Antd Library

  • Replaced table with UI kit


  • Bug - Left panel overwrites the right one on update

  • Invalid user audio duration Bug

  • Not Show VB results in Monitor miniApps

  • Bug - Comparison Dates don't load by default

Component: OCP Export Service
Version: v1.1.2


  • Streaming exports - Redis streams partitioning

  • Integrated Export API with IAM

  • Read and use Retry-After from response header

  • Added Retry-After header on 429 error

  • Export Service - UI


  • Exports API - invalid response

  • Updated exports-api tests with new Owner and Viewer roles

  • Bug - Invalid default time on export creation

  • Bug - Streaming export 400 Response error code

  • Various bugs and fixes

September 21, 2023

Environments: US1

Components: Voice Biometrics/Agent VB Middleware
Version: v1.2.3/v6.7.3


  • Fix bug with redis open connections

September 18, 2023

Environments: US2W, US2dev, EU1, US2, US1

Component: IAM
Version: 1.7.0


  • Custom Roles for exclusive multi-tenant environments


  • Token request fail toast


  • User group membership capacity increased

  • User Management API changes

  • VB connection

  • File import handling

September 14, 2023

Environments: US1

Component: Voice Biometrics / Agent VB middleware / biostore
Version: v1.2.2 / v6.7.2 /v6.7.2


  • Additional details display added to agent-side Voice Biometrics Widget


  • Aligned with NICE CXone Authentication Security Policies

September 7, 2023

Environments: US1, US2, US2W, US2-dev

Component: Environment Manager
Version: 1.10.1


  • Re-enable the promote functionality

August 30, 2023

Environments: EU1, US1, US2dev, US2W, US2

Component: Console
Version: 1.6.0


  • OCP Console UI themes support

  • Security updates


  • Profile menu header missing bug

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